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Finding Consistency in Your Workouts: Lessons from Rowing and Crew

Author: Michelle Parolini

Director of Coach Development, Row House

Concep2 Master Trainer


As we move into the second month of 2025, many people are finding themselves at a crossroads with their fitness resolutions. The initial excitement of a new year and fresh goals has carried them through January, but now the challenge begins—staying consistent. This is the phase where momentum either solidifies into a habit or fades into the background as life gets busy.

Consistency is the key to long-term fitness success. It’s not about perfection but about showing up, day after day, even when motivation wanes. One of the best sports to teach us about the power of consistency is rowing. Whether on the erg (rower) or in the sport of crew, rowers understand that every stroke matters, and progress comes from persistent, disciplined effort. 

Here are seven steps sharing how you can apply rowing principles to your own fitness journey and keep your momentum strong through February and beyond.

1. Set a Rhythm and Stick to It

In rowing, crews rely on a steady rhythm. The coxswain or stroke seat sets the pace, and the entire boat follows, ensuring a smooth, efficient glide across the water. The same principle applies to your workouts. Set a weekly schedule—whether it’s three, four, or six days a week—and commit to it like a rower commits to their race pace.

Action Tip: Sit with your workout accountability partner and plan your Row House workouts in advance and treat them as unmissable appointments. Just like a rowing team doesn’t skip practice, you should show up for yourself.

2. Embrace the Power of Small Gains

Rowers don’t see massive improvements overnight. Their technique, endurance, and power develop stroke by stroke, practice by practice. The same goes for fitness. Expecting dramatic results in just a few weeks can lead to frustration and burnout. Instead, celebrate the small wins—an extra rep, an extra minute of rowing, a slightly faster split time.

Action Tip: Meet with your Row House coach and review your stats. Understanding where you’re growing and how you can keep forward progress will keep you motivated to continue.

3. Row Through the Resistance

Every rower faces rough water and headwinds. They don’t stop; they adjust and keep moving forward. In your fitness journey, challenges will come—busy schedules, fatigue, lack of motivation. The key is to anticipate these obstacles and have strategies in place to push through.

Action Tip: On low-energy days, modify your workout rather than skipping it altogether. Your Row House coach can provide modifications on and off of the erg. Simply shifting your effort on the erg down a notch will turn your workout into a lesson on showing up for yourself. Push lighter or rowing a half-stroke will keep you moving, keep you committed and lessen the load that particular workout.

4. Train with a Crew:

Rowers don’t train alone—they have a team that pushes them, holds them accountable, and keeps the energy high. Finding your own “crew” can make a huge difference in workout consistency.

Action Tip: Jump into your local Row House, partner up with a friend, or participate in a virtual rowing challenge. Surrounding yourself with others who share your goals will keep you engaged and accountable.

5. Visualize the Finish Line

In a rowing race, the finish line is always in sight to the coach, and every stroke is a push toward it. For your workouts, having a clear goal—a 5K row, a strength benchmark, or simply feeling more energized—can help keep you focused.

Action Tip: Sit with your Row House coach to set goals. Write down a fitness goal for the next three months and break it into smaller weekly targets. Outline your classes and where you can put your focus. Having a clear end game will give each workout a purpose.

6. Prioritize Recovery and Longevity:

Rowers know that overtraining leads to burnout and injury. They balance intense sessions with active recovery, mobility work, and proper rest. Fitness is a lifelong journey, and staying consistent means knowing when to push and when to recover.

Action Tip: Schedule your Restore classes and don’t miss them! Restore will incorporate mobility and recovery into your routine. Quality movement and rest will keep you in the game for the long haul.

7. Find Joy in the Process:

At its core, rowing is rhythmic, meditative, and deeply rewarding. Your workouts should also bring you joy and fulfillment. If you view exercise as a chore, it will be hard to stay consistent.

Action Tip: Row House workouts incorporate strength, intervals, recovery and endurance into your life. Try classes you haven’t tried, challenge yourself to a half-marathon or pick up that heavier dumbbell to keep things fresh and fun so that you look forward to training rather than dreading it.


Just like a rowing race isn’t won in the first few strokes, your fitness goals won’t be achieved by a single month of effort. It’s the commitment to consistency, the willingness to row through tough days, and the determination to keep pulling forward that leads to lasting results. As February unfolds, embrace the mindset of a rower—set your rhythm, stay steady, and keep your eyes on the horizon. The finish line isn’t a single goal; it’s a lifetime of strength, endurance, and well-being. Stay the course, and you’ll find that consistency is the true game-changer in fitness and beyond.


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