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Meet the crew: Coach Shira

Meet Shira! She started at Row House Tustin in spring 2018, and moved to New York — and our NYC studios — in September. Catch her classes at Row House Columbus Circle.


What do you do when you're not rowing?
I'm a professional dancer, so lots of dance classes and auditions. I also love lifting weights, doing yoga, taking aerial classes, and reading A LOT to stay up-to-date with the latest in fitness.

What's your favorite music (band/artist, genre, whatever) to work out to?
I love working out to some solid 2000s pop punk (don't judge). Classic rock also does the trick!

What's your favorite class type to teach?
It's a tie between House and Restore! House is a great representation of what Row House is all about and I always feel a little bit more “zen” after I teach Restore.

What's your fitness background?
I've been dancing for more than 15 years so I found a natural home in the fitness industry looking for effective cross-training. Lifting weights and fitness in general have truly changed my life and I'm so grateful I'm able to help others as a coach and personal trainer. I've taught classes all over the city, but none of them felt like home before Row House.


What's your favorite distance to row?
That's a tough one! I'm gonna say 500 meters. Embrace the pain and get it done ASAP!

What's your go to breakfast?
90% of the time, it's oatmeal with peanut butter and a banana chopped up in it. I'll also add egg whites to get some more protein #gainz. I've also been perfecting my poached egg technique, so I'll have poached eggs with avocado on toast when I'm feeling fancy.

What's your favorite TV show right now?
100% “The Office.” I've watched it an embarrassing number of times (Creed is my favorite character). I also love “Hot Ones” on Youtube. Celebrities get interviewed while eating progressively spicier chicken wings. It's the best.

What do you enjoy most about working at RH?
There's A LOT, but one of the No. 1 things I love about Row House is how inclusive we are. We celebrate community and working together to be better than we could be by ourselves. Regardless of your age/gender/fitness level/background, you can come and pull together with our team.


What's a food you can't live without?
I'm from Southern California, so it's got to be Mexican food. Carne asada tacos all day every day.

Favorite book/currently reading?
I just finished reading “Chasing Excellence” by Ben Bergeron, who coaches CrossFit Games champions like Katrin Davidsdottir and Mat Fraser. Great inspirational read about how to develop a champion's mindset and work ethic. Definitely recommend!


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