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our crew

Meet the crew: Justin

We're asking our crew why they row. Here's what Row House member Justin had to say:

From Runner to Rower....

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For years my workout of choice was running, but when I started encountering issues with my knees I admittedly stopped exercising almost altogether. When I resolved to get back at it, I started exploring various boutique fitness studios near me — with the caveat that I needed a workout that's easy on my knees. I committed to a membership with Row House without hesitation for two key reasons: the variety of classes and the amazing staff.

The assortment of classes allows me to check all of my fitness goal boxes, and — even if I take the same class two weeks in a row — I know that the coaches will undoubtedly have new exercises thrown into the mix, ensuring things always feel fresh and that I'm being challenged in new ways.



Interested in joining the crew?

Build Muscle, Torch Calories, improve your posture and strengthen your body from head to toe in just 45 minutes. At Row House, we will give you a great low-impact cardio and strength workout in a supportive and inclusive crew.  

Click here to find a studio near you!




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